Saturday, December 28, 2019

Run like the wind

I both like and dislike New Year's resolutions at the same time. I like them because it helps people become motivated to do something new, and I dislike them because a lot of people start something, and then stop. I do not want to be one of those individuals. Therefore, instead of calling it a New Year's resolution, let me share about a lifestyle change I am working on.

Running. I love running. When I was younger, I absolutely hated it. It wasn't until I was in high school that I started running with my dad. That lead to me participating in track and cross country. I was never the fastest runner, but I could always keep on going, for miles and miles. I loved being able to explore new areas of my surrounding cities via foot. I was able to run almost 2 half marathons. The first half marathon I ran in, I did not cross the finish line. This is because a few weeks prior to the half, I had injured myself while training and I ignored it. I ended up passing out, having a seizure, and finishing breaking my left fibula in multiple locations. Reading the medical reports later, I was very unstable when I ended up in the hospital. About a year after my first half, I was able to run my second half, and actually complete it. That encouraged me that maybe someday, I would be able to achieve my goal: of running the Boston Marathon.

My dad had run the Boston Marathon when my mom was pregnant with me in 1988. My dad is my inspiration when it comes to physical activities because he never gives up and always perseveres. Fast forward, and I have now completed medical school, residency, got married, and had 2 children. I am now working in a medical office, and I give people advice about their health. But, I am not the most healthy individual. I have not worked on my physical health in years. I am changing that.

My dad has found for me a free couch to 5k running program. That, along with an app that allows me to track my progress, mileage, time, and calories burning, is a start to getting me back to where I want to be. I currently weigh 263lbs, which is the heaviest I have ever weighed, even when I was pregnant. I am not motivated just about losing weight. I am motivated to be able to spend quality time with my boys, and chase them without getting tired. To be able to become pregnant again, and maybe not have a huge baby this time. To keep myself from developing diabetes and hypertension. To be an example to those that I work with, and the patients that I care for. These are my reasons. I also realized that I will be more successful in my goal if I talk about it, post about it, and take pictures. So, here's to completing my third day of running!!

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